Monday, August 10, 2009

Meet the Funky Cold Medinas

Welcome to the first blog entry for "The Funky Cold Medinas." Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Melanie Medina.

I'm married to Mario Medina.

We have one daughter, Allie Medina, aka "Pieface."

We have another Medina on the way: Embryo Medina. Our first child, a pug, is Spanky Mae Medina.

Mario and I are both writers, though neither of us writes much these days. Mario is a big cheese at a custom publishing company, and I have sold out for a marketing role at a children's hospital in Dallas.

The topic for this blog is what it's like to be a funky cold Medina. I'm not real sure what that means right now, but I invite you, World, to follow me on this adventure as I figure it all out.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are cold because it is physically cold in our office. But if not for that, I would call you the warm, conservative Medina(s). But that's just a colleague speaking.
